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Current Chart Y2018M2D1

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart. I don't publish updates everytime I update the playlist which, is why I use a date release scheme. A publication only reflects what the list contained on a particular date, not necessarily all the changes occuring since the previous publication.

1. Remember Me - The Birthday Massacre - The Birthday Massacre - Imagica - Rating 5/5
2. Bleed For You - Cilver - Cilver - Not The End Of The World - Rating 5/5
3. Zombie Dance - Escape The Fate - Escape The Fate - Escape The Fate (Deluxe Version) - Rating 5/5
4. There's Water Here - Delays - Delays - Faded Seaside Glamour - Rating 5/5
5. Something - Julien Baker - Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle - Rating 5/5
6. Right Now - Chasing Daybreak - Chasing Daybreak - Into Our Own - Rating 5/5
7. Wide Awake - A Skylit Drive - A Skylit Drive - Rise (Deluxe Version) - Rating 5/5
8. Stronger Than You Think - Fireflight - Fireflight - Now - Rating 5/5
9. Gave It All Away - Red - Red - End Of Silence - Rating 5/5
10. Marionette - Flyleaf - Flyleaf - Between The Stars (Special Edition) - Rating 5/5
11. Speeding - Lights - Lights - Little Machines (Deluxe Version) - Rating 5/5
12. [Music Video] Sprained Ankle - Julien Baker - Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle - Rating 5/5
13. Sprained Ankle - Julien Baker - Julien Baker - Sprained Ankle - Rating 5/5
14. This Orient - Foals - Foals - Total Life Forever - Rating 5/5
15. Prospekt's March - Coldplay - Coldplay - Prospekt's March - Rating 5/5
16. Happy You're Gone - Placebo - Placebo - Battle For The Sun - Rating 5/5
17. Wildflower - Beach House - Beach House - Depression Cherry - Rating 5/5
18. Sammy Sammy - Fanny Bloom - Fanny Bloom - Pan - Rating 5/5
19. The Morning Stars - Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam - Hamilton Leithauser + Rostam - I Had A Dream That You Were Mine - Rating 5/5
20. Howling Wolves - Alex Rose - Alex Rose - Arcadian Pages - Rating 5/5
21. Reason - Fit For Rivals - Fit For Rivals - Steady Damage - Rating 4/5
22. The Moment - Miracle Of Sound - Miracle Of Sound, Karliene - Level 8 - Rating 5/5
23. My Little Secret - Caliban - Caliban - The Opposite From Within - Rating 5/5
24. Gave It Away - Fit For Rivals - Fit For Rivals - Freak Machine - Rating 5/5
25. Everybody Wants To Love You - Japanese Breakfast - Japanese Breakfast - Psychopomp - Rating 3/5

- Format: $TRACKTITLE - $ALBUMARTIST - $ARTIST - $ALBUM - $RATING. Music videos are indicated with "[Music Video]" before the track title (eg: [Music Video] $TRACKTITLE - $ALBUMARTIST - $ARTIST - $ALBUM - $RATING).
- Ratings are subject to change. Ratings reflect what they were at the time.
- There is often overlap between Current Chart publications, because songs often move up/down on the list as new songs are added.

License:Comprehensible Open License 1.0

Comprehensible Open License 1.0:

Material published under this license can be modified, forked, incorporated into other works, and distributed, provided the material remains under this license. Material published under this license is free of charge! Material published under this license is bound to the license release number it was published under. Material published under this license is provided as is. The author of material published under this license shan't be held liable for any negative occurrences that arise from use of the material the author published under this license.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
