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Android Apps Update Way Too Often

One thing I've noticed about Android is that you get updates for a handful of apps each day. I like seeing there is active development on the apps I'm using, but I can't see the need for such frequent updates. I would even consider it somewhat inappropriate for this type of system, because the majority of users will be automatically updated over low-capped data sources (eg: cellular data). They might have needed that data for something else! My guess is that developers release such frequent updates to pump up their app download numbers. I don't know if that would actually work or not, but it's the only thing I can think of to truly explain why updates happen so frequent compared to software on other systems. There shouldn't be enough bug, or security fixes to require re-downloading an app every few days. That would just be poor coding (or a poor system). I'm definitely not getting that many new features, or every app on my phone would be a Swiss army knife by now. To be honest, I'm not really sure what I am getting from most of these updates, because I've got better things to do than read changelogs. Thankfully, Android allows disabling automatic updates, and updating apps manually, on my schedule, when a version worth downloading is released.

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Comprehensible Open License 2.0:

Material provided under the terms of this license can be used, modified, duplicated, and distributed, provided the material remains free of charge, and the author of the material is not held responsible for any consequence of using it.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
