1. Cry Wolf - Luna Shadows - Luna Shadows - Cry Wolf - Rating 5/5
2. Not Human - Elegant Slims - Elegant Slims - Not Human - Rating 5/5
3. Revolver - I The AI Remix - Through Juniper Vale - Through Juniper Vale - Everything Is Color - Rating 5/5
- Format: $TRACKTITLE - $ALBUMARTIST - $ARTIST - $ALBUM - $RATING. Music videos are indicated with "[Music Video]" before the track title (eg: [Music Video] $TRACKTITLE - $ALBUMARTIST - $ARTIST - $ALBUM - $RATING).
- Ratings are subject to change. Ratings reflect what they were at the time of publication.
- There is often overlap between publications, because songs move up/down on the list until working their way off.
License:Comprehensible Open License 2.0
Comprehensible Open License 2.0:
Material provided under the terms of this license can be used, modified, duplicated, and distributed, provided the material remains free of charge, and the author of the material is not held responsible for any consequence of using it.