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Snakes In Prince George

In my entire life I've only ever seen three snakes in my home town of Prince George. The first time was a young boy. I found a garter snake in the yard. I was astonished, because I didn't think we had snakes this far north. The only reason I recognized it as a garter snake (assuming I identified it correctly :P) was because I had seen large packs of them before while traveling. The second time I saw a snake in Prince George was as a adult. This was only a few years ago. This one was dead, and squashed on the road. I guess it chose a poor time to cross over (I know, bad joke). I'm assuming this was a garter snake as well, but it was difficult to tell from the poor shape it was in. The third time I saw a snake in my home town was today (May 31 2019). Well, it wasn't actually in my home town. It was at Perdon Lake Provincial Park which is nearby. This was a garter snake, and the largest snake I've ever seen in real life. It was longer than my arm, and at it's widest it was about the thickness of the salami you get on pizza. According to the internet, Garter snakes are common to the bottom 3/4 of British Columbia, including Prince George, but I've never seen that many this far north. As global warming continues, I suspect I'll be seeing more though, and in time probably some other species as well such as rattle snakes. Eeek!

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Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.

