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Riker Sits Weird

William Riker is a character on Star Trek The Next Generation. Apparently he sits weird, and it's been named the "Riker Chair Maneuver". I never noticed it while watching the series, but recently I saw a viral video about this. It features scene after scene of Riker sitting down, and it isn't normal. He approaches the chair from behind, raises his leg over it, and then sits. Normally a person would approach from the front, and sit back. The character does this all without blinking. As if it's completely normal, and natural. Some searching around the net suggests it was either a long running joke by the actor (Jonathan Frakes), or a way for the actor to compensate for a pre-existing back injury. I'm not sure which, if either, is the truth. The next time I watch Star Trek The Next Generation I will have a difficult time focusing on the plot, because I'll be too busy waiting for Riker to sit.

License:Comprehensible Open License 2.0

Comprehensible Open License 2.0:

Material provided under the terms of this license can be used, modified, duplicated, and distributed, provided the material remains free of charge, and the author of the material is not held responsible for any consequence of using it.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.

