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How To Fix The Shared Folder Permission Issue In VirtualBox With Lubuntu Guest

After installing Guest Addons in Lubuntu, and setting up a shared folder in VirtualBox the shared folder doesn't work. It gives a permission issue. This is because your user is not a member of the vboxsf group which is required to access the shared folders. Dkms package is also required. To solve this just add your user to that group, and install dkms.

1. Login, and open the terminal emulator.
2. Type: "sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -aG vboxsf user1". Replace "user1" with your username.
3. Type: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install dkms".
4. Reboot the virtual machine.
5. Re-install Guest Addons, and reboot.

- Tested with VirtualBox 6.0, and Lubuntu 18.04 AMD64.
- You must type the entire path for the usermod command, or you will get a "not found" error.

License:Comprehensible Open License 3.0

Comprehensible Open License 3.0

Material provided under the terms of this license can be used in any manner, provided the following conditions are met: The authors of the material are not held responsible for any consequence of using the material. The material remains under the terms of this license. The terms of this license are upheld in accordance with the federal laws of Canada in place as of January 1, 2019.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
