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Science Proves

"Science proves!"...lemme stop you right there. Science doesn't PROVE anything. Research yields data, and from that data we can draw reasonable conclusions termed theories, or scientific facts (not to be confused with facts). A theory is a possibility which requires more backing. A scientific fact is something widely believed and accepted to be true because of significant evidence and wide acceptance among those well informed on the subject. Some of these conclusions stand the test of time, others don't. Despite the common treatment of scientific facts as fact, they are not the same thing. A fact is something which is true. Given the infinite nature of existence we cannot observe everything, and this makes it impossible to distinguish facts (in the true sense of the word) from conclusions widely accepted as fact. This is why it is so important for scientists to keep an open mind, because everything we think we know might be proven wrong as new data comes to light.

License:Comprehensible Open License 3.0

Comprehensible Open License 3.0

Material provided under the terms of this license can be used in any manner, provided the following conditions are met: The authors of the material are not held responsible for any consequence of using the material. The material remains under the terms of this license. The terms of this license are upheld in accordance with the federal laws of Canada in place as of January 1, 2019.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.

