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How to Create Lists and Sublists in LibreOffice Writer

LibreOffice Writer supports bulletpoint, and numbered lists. You can also create sublists (a list within a list) multiple levels deep. The style of bulletpoints will automatically be adjusted to help distinguish them from the parent, and child lists. The style of numbered lists will remain constant.


- Write your first entry (eg: "Value 1").
Value 1
- Click either the bulletpoint, or numbered list button. Your will now have a list started. Each time you press enter a new entry will be added to the list.
 - Value 1
- To start a sublist, press the "Tab" key before writing the entry (eg: Subvalue 1"). You can repeat this to create further sublists.
 - Value 1
   - Subvalue 1
- To end a list, press enter instead of writing an entry. If you are in a sublist it will also completely exit the list chain.
- To add further entries to an exited list, write the entry (eg: "Value 2"), and use the same list button you used before (eg: bulletpoint, or numbered).
 - Value 1
   - Subvalue 1
 - Value 2
- To add further sublist entries to an exited list, write the entry (eg: "Subvalue 2"), use the same list button you used before (eg: bulletpoint, or numbered), move the cursor back to the beginning of the entry, and press "Tab" to reach the desired sublist.
 - Value 1
   - Subvalue 1
 - Value 2
   - Subvalue 2

- Tested in LibreOffice on Windows 10 Pro x64

Authors:James Daniel Marrs Ritchey
License:Ritchey Permissive License v10

Ritchey Permissive License v10:

Subject to the terms of this license, any legal entity who receives material licensed with this license is hereby granted otherwise irrevocable royalty-free permission to do anything with the material. Permissions are revoked permanently from the legal entity upon breach of this license. The material is provided as it is, without implied fitness for any purpose. All obligations to the legal entity (including warranties, and guarantees) are disclaimed by all parties involved. The authors, copyright holders, patent holders, and providers of the material will not be held liable for anything (including damages, or liabilities) in connection with the material. The legal entity is responsible for any consequences of sharing the material (including damages, or liabilities), and takes on all obligations (including warranties, and guarantees) to recipients. The material must entirely remain solely under this license. This license is to be upheld in Canada, subject to the laws of Canada, as they were on April 21, 2019. The legal entity must be capable of being bound to all parts of this license, and by using the material agrees to be. If any part of this license is unenforceable the license cannot be accepted. The license text is provided under these terms.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
