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Current Chart Y2018M3D13

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M3D28 2

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M3D28

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M4D21

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M4D24

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M10D11

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M10D16

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M10D20

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M10D29

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M11D9

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Current Chart Y2018M11D21

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart.

Ritchey Personal Website Type 1

Ritchey Personal Website Type 1 is a personal website template designed to run on GitLab Pages. Use it to introduce yourself to the world.

Ritchey Personal Website Type 1

Ritchey Personal Website Type 1 is a personal website template designed to run on GitLab Pages.

Current Chart Y2018M12D16

Current Chart is list of songs I'm currently into. It is named after the playlist on my computer which, serves as my personal music countdown chart. I don't publish updates every time I update the playlist which, is why I use a date release scheme.

TL;DR Snap, Flatpak, And AppImage

The hard part about creating cross-distro application packages for GNU/Linux is dealing with dependences. You don't want to include an entire operating system in each package just to satisfy them, but depending on software provided by the host is complicated because not all distros have the same default software. Even if they do,

What Devs Say And Don't Say

What Devs Say: By forcing our users to update we ensure they're protected against the latest security flaws.

MRW An Application Tries To Force Updates

Program: I know you don't want me to update, but I'm forcing you to update, because I know what's best for you.

The Linux Legend

Legend says that when you get fed up with Windows,

Configure Mozilla Firefox To Not Automatically Check For Updates

This is an "Incomplete" release which, means it is unfinished, and may not have been tested. It is provided for research purposes only. Do not attempt to use it as is! There could be unrecoverable consequences. You have been warned.
Mozilla Firefox no longer includes an option in the preferences area to disable automatically checking for updates. You can still achieve this by disabling the update service in about:config.

Configure Trusted Recursive Resolver In Mozilla Firefox

T.R.R. (Trusted Recursive Resolver) is a new feature in Mozilla Firefox which provides DNS over HTTPS (aka DNS Queries over HTTPS and abbreviated as "DoH"). This allows Mozilla Firefox to have it's own DNS settings rather than


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
