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Android Apps Update Way Too Often

One thing I've noticed about Android is that you get updates for a handful of apps each day. I like seeing there is active development on the apps I'm using, but I can't see the need for such frequent updates. I would even consider it somewhat inappropriate for this type of system, because the majority of users will be automatically updated over low-capped data sources (eg: cellular data).

Trying Out My MPOW Universal Dashboard Car Mount

I Dislike Google Tracking My Third-party Purchases

https://myaccount.google.com/payments-and-subscriptions is a record of everything you buy both through Google services (such as apps you've purchased on Google Play), and purchases outside of Google. It sources external purchase information from your Gmail emails and Google assistant interactions.

Current Chart Y2019M3D30

Current Chart is playlist of songs I'm currently into. It's like my own music countdown chart. Each publication reflects what the list contained on a particular date, not necessarily all the changes occurring since the previous publication.

1. Hail To The Freaks - Beatsteaks - Beatsteaks - Limbo Messiah - Rating 5/5
2. Fireworks - XYLO - XYLO - Pretty Sad - Rating 5/5
3. Pretty Sad - XYLO - XYLO - Pretty Sad - Rating 5/5

Fraser River Pan Shot March 30 2019

Fraser River March 30 2019

Visiting Cottonwood Park March 30 2019


Ritchey Web Base64 Utility

Ritchey Web Base64 Utility is a web application for encoding and decoding Base64. It can be run locally in your browser, or an a webserver. It is compatible with Gitlab Pages.

Ritchey Web Image Generator

Ritchey Web Image Generator is a web application for generating images. It can be run locally in your browser, or an a webserver. It is compatible with Gitlab Pages.

Current Chart Y2019M3D22

Current Chart is playlist of songs I'm currently into. It's like my own music countdown chart. Each publication reflects what the list contained on a particular date, not necessarily all the changes occurring since the previous publication.

1. Losing It All - Anberlin - Anberlin - Lowborn - Rating 5/5
2. Lonely - DWNTWN - DWNTWN - Racing Time - Rating 5/5

The Way Art Works

The way art works is you create a whole bunch of embarrassing crap, but in doing so you slowly earn the skills to make something good.

Which Audio Format To Use

Use FLAC for lossless archival. It's got reasonable device support. It's one of the most widely supported lossless formats.

StackOverflow's Licensing Is A Bit Unbalanced

According to the Public Network Terms of Service (https://stackoverflow.com/legal/terms-of-service/public#licensing), StackOverflow requires users to release their contributions under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA, and a custom license that is only between the user and service.

Ritchey Statistics CMS A

Ritchey Statistics CMS A is a statistics CMS (Content Management System)

Ritchey Personal Website CMS A

Ritchey Personal Website CMS A (formerly Ritchey Personal Website Type 1) is a personal website cms designed for Gitlab Pages.

Comprehensible Open License 2.0

Material provided under the terms of this license can be used, modified, duplicated, and distributed, provided the material remains free of charge, and the author of the material is not held responsible for any consequence of using it.

Bad Moderators

"Read the rules and stick to them. This is your last warning." This is not how a good forum moderator/admin handles issues.

Bee Movie Alternative Description

When a women and a bee form an unlikely relationship, producers realize they're getting dangerously close to making a children's movie about bestiality


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
