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You May Be Using A Grandfathered Public Mobile Plan And Not Even Know It

Public Mobile sometimes makes changes to cellular service plans, but it appears these changes don't affect existing customers  of these plans. Customers continue to use the grandfathered version of the plan presumibly for as long as they renew it?

Current Chart Y2019M12D7

A list of songs I'm currently into.

1. Arrested - Love Thy Brother - Arrested - 5/5
2. Where Do We Go From Here - Filter - The Almalgamut (PA Version) - Rating 5/5
3. Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine - Lungs (Deluxe Version) - Rating 5/5

Memory Friendly Way Of Prepending Data To A File In Bash

While you can't prepend data to a file you can create a new file containing the data, and then append the original file data to it. To do this in a memory friendly way you'll need to copy the original file contents a little bit at a time.

Did The Subjects In The Russian Sleep Experiement Develop Morvan's Syndrome?

The Russian Sleep Experiment is a creepypasta (copy/pasted creepy short story or anicdote). Many people have questioned whether it's just a story, or if it actually happened. The subjects in the story successfully stayed awake for 15 days which exceeds the world record of 11 days set in 1965 (excluding those with Morvan's syndrom).

Science Proves

"Science proves!"...lemme stop you right there. Science doesn't PROVE anything. Research yields data, and from that data we can draw reasonable conclusions

is_file PHP Function Returning TRUE When File No Longer Exists

PHP's is_file function will return TRUE even if the file no longer exists, if the file was there recently, and is_file was recently used on it. This happens because the results of is_file are cached.

Ritchey Application Template A

Ritchey Application Template A is a template I use for creating simple applications written in PHP. It's well suited to the kind of things you'd typically make a quick Bash script for.


Copyright © James Daniel Marrs Ritchey.
